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Automotive & Trucking

Transportation accidents often lead to catastrophic injuries and high-stakes litigation. Our team thrives when there’s a lot on the line, and through our experience, sophistication, and resources, we consistently deliver outstanding results.

We have experience representing clients in all types of transportation cases, including automotive, trucking, bus, limousine, motorcycle, ATV, snowmobile, railroad, airplane, and nautical. Many transportation cases require an emergency response and investigation. We have decades of experience coordinating emergency investigations, and understand the importance of immediately documenting the scene and physical evidence, identifying and interviewing witnesses, and securing privilege with the client and counseling them accordingly. We are accessible by telephone or email 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We also have a team of investigators and accident reconstructionists ready to mobilize for an emergency investigation at a moment’s notice. Always focused on the end game, we work quickly and aggressively to preserve evidence, work with law enforcement personnel, and identify and interview witnesses.

Once in litigation, we draw on our collective experience with experts in reconstruction, biomechanics, preventability, transportation standard of care, human factors, and transportation regulations. We have successfully litigated cases involving all theories, including general negligence, product liability, willful and wanton conduct, negligent training, hiring and retention, fraud, independent contractor liability, owner/operator liability, joint venture liability, punitive damages, spoliation of evidence, hours of service violations, log falsification and fatigue claims, negligent loading, lighting and conspicuity issues, and repair and maintenance allegations.

We proudly currently serve as National Coordinating Counsel on all independent contractor matters for an international transportation and logistics carrier, and have represented dozens of transportation clients in venues across the country.

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